Dr. Samantha Stewart Sunkins

Pastor Samantha Stewart Sunkins is a native Savannahian. She is the eldest child of Elder Walter and Mother Carrie Stewart. In 1986 she graduated from Alfred Ely Beach High School and went on to further her education at Savannah Technical College. In 1988 she graduated from the Licensed Practical Nursing Program and has worked in various aspects of the nursing profession. She is married to Mr. Isaac Sunkins and is the mother of two beautiful children, Imari and Isaac, II. Pastor Sunkins received Christ at the age of thirteen at Beth Eden Baptist church. She became a member of Love and Faith Pentecostal Church in 1990 under the leadership of Pastor Rosa L. Ladson. In 1998 she answered the call to ministry under the leadership of Bishop B.E. Sharper, Christ Church Cathedral. Pastor Sunkins received her ministerial training under the leadership of Pastor Judy Hines, Founder of The School of the Spirit. She has traveled extensively with the School of the Spirit, exalting, edifying, and building up the Body of Christ through the Word of God. The Harvest Time School of The Bible Bible College Conferred on Pastor Samantha Stewart Sunkins the Honorary Degree Doctor of Divinity and Humane Letters September 22, 2018. Pastor Sunkins has a “Heart” for the people of God. In 2001, God gave Pastor Sunkins the vision to launch Power House Deliverance Ministries. In 2005, as God began to declare ‘remember ye not the former things nor the things of old, behold I will do a new thing” (Isaiah 43:18-19), the face and mission of Power House Ministries began to undergo change and new development beginning with a name change (New Dimension Ministries). It is the mission of New Dimension to globally impact lives through the preaching and the teaching of the Gospel. New Dimension is commissioned to transcend barriers that cause the people of God to be spiritually bound, empowering them to become Jewels in the Kingdom of God. On Sunday, June 7, 2009, Pastor Sunkins was chosen to pastor Beth Eden Baptist Church. She is the first female pastor of Beth Eden Baptist Church in its 130 year history. We have embarked upon this move of God with great expectancy. God is currently using Pastor Sunkins as an agent of change and Empowerment. She is the Founder of “Daughters of Destiny” and serves as a Life Coach & Mentor to Women who are called to the Kingdom and have not yet discovered their TRUE Identity in Christ. It is her desire to see Sons & Daughters Fulfill Purpose. In 2014 God used Pastor Sunkins to birth” The Kingdom Gathering”, A Cry for Cities & Nations. She is a firm believer that Evangelism is the “Heartbeat of God!” God has Anointed this Vessel as an Apostolic, Prophetic voice whose mandate is to Transform and Empower lives through the Word of God and the Power of Love! Pastor Samantha Stewart Sunkins is fulfilling the Great Commission through the Heart of a Servant.